Tired of Cleaning Melt Flow Indexer?
Cleaning of Melt Flow Index Tester is an important issue for operators ☹
― Each time one sample is tested, the cylinder and die must be cleaned…
― Operators must completely clean the cylinders and dies…
― If not cleaned completely, the test sample left in the cylinder and die leads to inaccurate measurement result…
― Operators’ cleaning skills, time, and manpower are required…
No.120 Melt Flow Index Tester made by Yasuda Seiki solves all the issues ☺
✔FULLY AUTOMATIC CYCLE of Weight Change > Sample Injection > Testing > Measuring > Cleaning.
✔Automatic Cleaning includes: Cleaning of Cylinders / Dies / Cleaning Rods, and Gauze Setting.
✔HIGH REPEATABILITY by Eliminating Human Error of Cleaning, Injecting Power and Timing.
✔MAX 50 SAMPLE CUPS / 12.5 HOURS Automatic Cycle, Saving Time and Space.
✔Functions and Sample Cups are Selectable.
✔MFR, MFI, MVR, Flow Properties are available.