Lightning Surge Simulator
(IEC 61000-4-5 Ed.3, IEC 61000-4-12 Ed.3)


Introducing the compact, low-priced 6kV type that was often requested !
A tester simulatively generates "High energy induced lightning noise" which induced to distribution lines or communication lines by ground potential fluctuation caused by lightning strikes.
- Conforming to IEC 61000-4-5 Ed.3, IEC61000-4-12 Ed.3 (RINGWAVE 100kHz) and ANSI IEEE62-45 (2002)
- Pre-checking function simplifies start-up inspection works.
- Voltage and current monitors enable status monitoring during noise applied to EUT.
- Large LCD operation panel improves visibility and operability.
- MPU control function simplifies continuous testing, enables automatic surge-out, waveform-switching and polarity switching.
- Equipped with both manual and program mode to simplify test condition setting. Manual mode: for standard and single-shot testing. Program mode: for different testing in succession.
- Interlocking function provides excellent safety.
- Standardly equipped waveform checking terminals provide easy output waveform checking with existing oscilloscope and BNC cables.
- Isolation transformer available for safety protection for superimposing circuit current leakage and back surge to power source.(Option)
Visualize the testing connection status on monitor display for easy testing condition understanding
Monitor screen displays connection status in order to avoid incorrect power line connection. In addition, an outlet box (option) simplifies testing connection.

Pre-checking function simplifies start-up inspection works
<Conventional>: It requires for two expensive high voltage probes and differential measurement available oscilloscope for start-up inspection works.
<LSS-6330>: Simplifies start-up inspection works only by connecting dedicated cables to the tester to confirm whether or not the output is present. (pre-checking). (Available for SURGE OUTPUT/EUT LINE OUTPUT)

Incorporated “Emergency stop” and “Interlock function” to improve operation safety.
Equipped with operation safety functions in both hardware and software. Safety sockets as well as emergency stop switches and interlock terminals secure operation safety when connecting EUT. In addition, further safety is available by using “protection fences” and “protection boxes”. (option)

LSS-F03 series

For a stricter test with a maximum voltage of 15 kV.
A tester simulatively generates "High energy induced lightning noise" which induced to distribution lines or communication lines by ground potential fluctuation caused by lightning strikes.
- Lightning surge simulator compliant with the IEC61000-4-5 Edition 3 requirements
- Maximum output voltage 15 kV (maximum coupling of 15 kV to AC / DC CDN and 6 kV to Telecom CDN) Enables to conduct the more extended reliability test including the destructive test
- Large size LCD for the operation is adopted for realizing better visibility and operatability
- Easy operation for the sequential tests with adoption of MPU control Surge output / Waveform switching / Polarity switching / Sequence can be automated sequentially
- Selectable either MANUAL or PROGRAM mode MANUAL mode is used for the test according to the Standard or performing single conditioned test and PROGRAM mode can perform different conditioned tests sequentially so that the tests can be performed easily along purposes.
- Excellent safety with equipment of interlock
- Standard equipment of terminal for checking the waveforms:Enable to check the waveforms in connection to an oscilloscope on hand with BNC cable
- Isolation transformers in line-up (Option)
- In order to avoid resonance with the power supply, possible to vary the constant of the decoupling network (1.5, 1.3, 1.0, 0.8 mH)(Customized production). When some products like a power conditioner for photovoltaic application are connected to a lightning surge simulator, the resonant phenomena may occur and the products may not work well. In LSS-F03 series (with customization), possible to change constants of the inductances so as to avoid such problem
"Output voltage 15 kV, current 7500 A" which can conduct breakdown resistibility test.
Approx. 60% of the users are carrying on the test with voltage more than IEC Standard.

"50% reduction of the output interval" which can drastically reduce the test time.
Realize 1/2 of the interval time comparing to our previous models so as to contribute to reduction of the man-hour for the test. (* in case of the test less than 6 kV output)

"Touch-panel" adopted for the easy test setting.
Adopted LCD touch panel for pursuing high visibility and realizing user-friendly operation with affluent icons.
Also, easy operation is realized not only for the test according to IEC Standard but also for the sequential tests with the parameter sweep function.

"Multi-languages" for the easy operation processing available.
Not only Japanese and English but also Chinese and Korean available for the easy operation processing.