Shinyei Corporation of America provides Japanese weathering and corrosion test services in Mexico
Shinyei Corporation of America (SCA), a leading Japanese test & measurement solution provider to industries in Americas, delivers Japanese weathering and corrosion test services in Mexico.
Without doubt, Mexico is now one of the world's largest automotive manufacturing nations. Not only assembling vehicles but the industry produces technologically complex components and engages in research and development.
Apparently many Japanese automotive companies had already set up operations here and expansion of their manufacturing activities in Mexico is expected.
SCA provides “contract testing service” in Mexico to accommodate very high demand for contract test service from customers including automotive industries by using Japanese high technology & quality test instruments.
Suga SX75 Super Xenon Weathering Meter and Suga CCT-1L Combined Cyclic Corrosion Chamber are available to meet to Japanese weathering and corrosion test requirements.
To provide the best services to customers, SCA appoints CIDETEQ (Center of Research and Technologic Development in Electrochemistry) in Queretaro, Mexico, as business collaborator. SCA and CIDETEQ agree to collaborate with each other, in “Contract Testing Service for weathering and corrosion where we run an advanced testing facility equipped with the Japan's latest testing technology.

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Electroquímica (CIDETEQ, and in English: Center of Research and Technologic Development in Electrochemistry, is one of 27 Public Research Centers in Mexico, funded by CONACyT.
It was founded on 1991 and they have wide experience in weathering and corrosion testing. They are located in Queretaro, Mexico where is the center of Automotive industry.