Shinyei Corporation of America (hereinafter referred to as : This Company) recognizes the importance and social responsibility to protect all personal information to be handled and strives to ensure the appropriate protection and management of personal information with the following basic policy.
This company will only use your personal information for our purposes below.
- To contact you to provide our service for your inquiry.
- To contact you brand-new infrotamtion of our services.
- To contact you for our service improvement and development.
This company will NOT disclose your information except of the case below.
- with customer's agreement
- order from an organization based on law or regulations, etc.
- disclose the information without indentification individually in above 1 and 2.
- to achieve the purpose of our custemer inquiry.
This company establishs the managenment section of the website and will conduct the appropriate management.
This company will strive to prevent the leakage of these information.
This company will not take any responsiblity of safety in any outside website are linked from our website.
Plesase confirm the privacy policy website of your destination by yourself.
This comany will release a current issue on this website in case of modification of this privacy policy.
Shinyei Corporation of America
Representative President Yoshiaki Tokuya
Date of Enactment: May 14, 2018